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Home Maintenance Checklist


Just like vehicles your home will have special needs to do on an annual basis to help keep your home looking great and avoid expensive repairs.

Below is a list of monthly, bi-annual, and annual home to do checklists you can use!

Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist

Test your alarms and detectors, including smoke and carbon monoxide.

Inspect your fire extinguishers to make sure you have them working and available.

Check and replace your filters on your dryer, oven and any other vent filters. Be sure your vents are also clean of dust so your HVAC can do its best job.

Check pipes for clogs in your kitchens and bathrooms. If they are draining slow use a natural drain cleaning product to help knock away the grim. Looks for cracks and leaks in your faucets as well and check under the sink for any cracks or leaks that could cause water damage or increase your water bill.

Bi-annual Home Maintenance Checklist

Inspect your attic and basement for any cracks or deterioration to the walls. Feel for any leaks or pests that could harming your homes structure.

Clear your gutters and downspouts to avoid damage to your roof and siding.

Clean your refrigerator coils to make it run more efficient.

Annual Home Maintenance Checklist

Check your pipes’ insulation to prevent freezing pipes in cold weather.

Seal cracks in your windows and doors. Check and clean your window screens.

Schedule heating system maintenance and check your air condition unit.

Check your paint and siding.

Check your driveway and walkways for cracks.

Reseal fences and decks.

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